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Jorda Mechanical is a mechanical contractor experienced in providing services for a variety of H.V.A.C. Systems.  Jorda has been instrumental in the design phase on

CM at Risk Projects along with Design Build Schools in Miami Dade, Broward and Monroe County.  Jorda is certified as a Hispanic American Owned Contractor by Miami-Dade County Public Schools and as Woman Minority Business Certified by the State of Florida.  Our team of welders, pipe fitters, duct mechanics and insulators is unique and qualified to do any type of chilled water system, condenser water systems, DX systems or VRF systems.



Please see below our list of Educational Facilities completed:

Alonzo Mourning Senior High School

Design Build - Chiller Plant

Alonzo Mouring HS
Alonzo Mouring HS Gym

Carol City Senior High School

C.M. at Risk - Complete New Senior High School and Chiller Plant

Carol City Sr High - Cooling Tower
Carol City Sr High Chiller Plant
Carol City Sr High Sch Sept 16, 11 003
Carol City Sr High Chiller Plant
Carol City Sr High Chiller Plant
Carol City Sr High Chiller Plant
Carol City Sr High Chiller Plant
Carol City Sr. High - Gym
Carol City Sr. High - Gym
Carol City Sr. High - Auditorium
Carol City Sr. High - Dining
Carol City Sr. High
Carol City Sr. High
Carol City Sr. High
Carol City Sr. High
Carol City Sr. High
02 LLL - Aero view 2
Carol City Sr. High

Horace O'Bryant, Key West, FL

C.M. at Risk - New K-8 School, D.X. System 


Miami Senior High

Plan & Spec - Complete Historical Renovation / Addition, Complete New Chiller Plant

Miami Sr High Sept 12 11 146
Miami Sr High Sept 12 11 133
Miami Sr High Sept 12 11 128
Miami Sr High Sept 12 11 137
Miami Sr High Sept 12 11 145
Miami Senior High School
Miami Senior High School Pic2

Northwestern Senior High School

C.M. at Risk 1500 ton Cooling Tower Retrofit

02 Northwerstern - Pvc pipe retrofitting
01 Northwerstern - Cooling tower
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